Thursday 23 June 2016


We might want to express our uncommon thanks of appreciation to our most regarded instructor, Dr Nurrusobah binti Hussin who gave the significant direction for the execution of this last venture which resembled a brilliant mines to do the great work on the undertaking given by her. Without her help and direction, we beyond any doubt that we will lost in the vain. We had adapted such a large number of new information since she had a ton of experienced in business record learning. Despite the fact that we are not exceptionally commonplace in this subject field , but rather we never quit doing our best in doing this website as we need to make madam extremely pleased with our works and in the meantime will bring the name of our workforce which is school of data administration. As the last word, we might want to give exceptional gratefulness to Dr Nurrusoba binti Husin again to share her precious information and knowledge.

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