Thursday 23 June 2016


by Nur Azlin binti Mohamad Nuri

Business survival depends on the assured continuity of core business activities and supporting services which is the business continuity plan implement in the organization. Purpose of this paper is to evaluate the definition of business continuity plan. Besides, this paper also evaluates the processes and phases involved in the business continuity plan in any organization. There are many perceptions about the definition of business continuity plan. Business continuity plan of every organizations are different depends on the functional activities of the organizations. In the business continuity plan, there are seven phases involved which are  project planning (PP) phase, business impact analysis (BIA) phase, business continuity strategies (BCS) phase, continuity strategies implementation (CSI) phase, continuity training (CTR) phase, continuity testing (CTE) phase, and continuity plan maintenance (CPM) phase.

by Raja Shah Nur Aqim Raja Shahriman

Records center is a building or part of a building designed or adapted for the low-cost storage, maintenance and communication of semi-current records pending their ultimate disposal. In order to request for proposal for selecting a commercial record center should focus on five general areas that are facility, staff service, computer system, and cost. As for another option is looking to offsite warehouse facility which many applications of commercial record centers can offer a cost effective, long term solution to the ongoing problem of where to store and manage inactive and semi-active records.

Managing business records in a mixed paper and electronic records environment : 
Record Management Process
by Saihah binti Samsudin

This paper examines the management of business records in a mixed paper and electronic records environment and the process from the capture until the disposition. The purpose of this paper more discusses in the process of managing records in term of capture, registration, classification, access and security classification, identification of disposition status, storage, use and tracking, and last but not least the implementation of disposition. This paper also focus on business records where it is a business information that contains the transaction between two or more parties in the form of electronic and paper documents. Business records is kept for evidence and references. Record management is a general administrative management and concerned with achieving economy and efficiency in the creation, maintenance, use and disposal of organizations’ records. Besides, it is also concerned in making the information that is contained available in support of organization’s business. While business record management is a field of management responsibility for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, maintenance, use and disposition of business records. It also a vital process to achieve the efficiency and economy as well as to preserve the business records. 

by Nurrunnazeehah binti Sumeri

Purpose: The central perseverance of writing this article is because of the requisite task for IMR652- Management of Business Records. Each student who is taking the course need to come out with an article where the title is being chooses by themselves according to Lesson Plan. This article aims on discussing on how records can be a strategic resource for Record Management Professionals as well as strategies needed in maintaining 

by  Maizatul Akma Bt Hassan
Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to identify the term of record, record management and its relationship in business. 
Design/methodology/approach– A review of the literature from approximately various article that discussing about record and in a business environment.
Findings– record management and business management are two thing that depends on each other. Without record, there will never exist any business
Originality/value– This paper establishes a clear distinction between two important fields of study, record and business, establishing an expanded role for business. That is, the role of record management in business improvement. This expanded role also suggests that the effectiveness of a business management will, in the future, be measured based on how well it promotes and enhances the record, how well it improves the mental model(s) and understanding of the decision maker(s) and there by how well it improves any decision making. The need for the integration of record management and business is clear.

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