Tuesday 14 June 2016

Final Thought

By: Saihah Binti Samsudin, 2016

Hye.. !!
I am Saihah Binti Samsudin.. I am 22 years old. My education background are listed below;

Bachelor of Information Science (HONS) Records Management
Current CGPA: 3.53

Science Module (3) - Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Graduation: April 2013
CGPA: 3.00

Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)
Graduated: November 2011
Result: 7A 3B 1C

Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR)
Finished: November 2009
Result: 7A 2B

Ujian Penilaian Menengah Rendah (UPSR)
Graduated : October 2006
Result: 5A

I am a student from Bachelor of Information Science (HONS) Records Management from the Faculty of Information Management in Puncak Perdana Campus, Shah Alam.
There are a lot of experience that I went through the 6 semester. Every semester I am experiencing different ordeal and adorable situation. Based on my experience in each semester;

In this semester, during the orientation session, there is a lecturer from the faculty asked me "why did you take this subject ?" and I answer "I do not choose this program and course". The lecturer said, you are very fortunate and lucky to be able in this program and this course because now the course of records management is highly needed and recommended and also very important in every organizations. I was surprised when the lecturer said that to me. I am very lucky person met with the lecturer. This is because, at first I was not excited and passionate in this course because for me and my impression, it does not guarantee my career in the future. There is a reason and lesson why I encountered with the lecturer.

During this semester, I am officially being a member of Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Kolej Jasmine. I have been successfully selected as the member where, the last semester I went to the interview session and was interviewed by 5 fellows of the college. I finally one of the person that had been selected from more than 100 people who went to the interview session. Then, again I am a luckily person. I am very hoping that I am selected to this association because, by joining this association, I can improve my leadership skill and soft skill for my future success.

In semester 3, this is the beginning of hectic semester where I need to manage my schedule for academic and non- academic purposes. I have a lot of tasks, reports and proposal that need to be completed. I need to manage my time as a student, as a Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Kolej Jasmine and as a Precedent of Sports and Recreational Club (my new position). This semester is very challenging to me where I need to handle many things. Furthermore, during this semester I need to prepare my wedding event for next semester. Although, there are many jobs that I need to conduct, I am able make it all successfully. Instead of that, I am much focus on my wedding ceremony because it is getting closer. I need to prepare myself in physically and spiritually as much as possible. During this semester, I am become a famous person because I am the only one student who was married while studying.

In this semester, my responsibilities become bigger and greater where I need to manage my schedule more effectively compare to my previous semester. I need to manage my time because I am staying outside and distant from campus. I need to depart from my house 1 hour before the class start. If I am late to go to the class, I will call my lecturer to inform them I am a little bit late to attend the class. I have greater responsibilities as a student, as a wife, as a leader and as a mom to my becoming daughter or son. This semester, my belly not yet bigger, so people around me do not know that i was pregnant.

During this semester, same as the previous semester where I need to handle many things. But in this semester, I more on giving instructions to all my members in the association compare to the semester 3 where I am leading and doing with them. This is because, I want to make my generation in the association become more powerful on managing and leading for any jobs, tasks and events effectively and efficiently. Besides, this semester, my belly are getting bigger and waiting for the due date for my daughter to be delivered. Every people around me were startled and excited because of my belly. They were proud of me because I was very tough and strong to went through everything with two lives. I need to be strong to went through everything even though it was very tired and exhausted. This semester is the most adorable semester that I went through and I am very excited to wait my baby to be delivered and tell her the moment.

This semester, I am as a student need to focus my final semester before I am going to the practical session on semester 7. My current CGPA still make my status as a first class student. But I need to struggle more to maintain my CGPA and my objective is I dont want to pay the PTPTN. So I need to work hard to maintain my CGPA. Although, I have no final examination in this semester, but I have a lot of final project including the research methodology. During this semester, I just have a daughter and I am feeling very grateful. Even though, I have a lot of final project and I need to handle my daughter, but I am able to conduct everything successfully and effectively. It is not easy for anyone that have infant baby and they need to complete their assignment and final project. It was very challenging to me as a student, a leader, a wife and as a mom.

In conclusion, sometimes I have to experience things for myself in order to get through what others have been telling me all along to do. Besides, for me, maturity has nothing to do with age. Maturity comes from experience, mistakes, learning and understanding. Whatever it is, be confident where confidence is admitting who you are, what you have done and loving yourself for who you have become, no matter what others think of you.

      By: Maizatul Akma Bt Hassan, 2016

Hye there. I’m maizatul akma bt Hassan but people just called me ema. I’m student from UiTM Puncak Perdana. How I can be here? Let’s me tells you a story about me. I’m from lepar Utara, Jerantut Pahang. My primary school just near with my home. Then I move to the next step which secondary school. My secondary school also not too far from my home but I stay at hostel. After I finish my secondary school, I decide to continue my study at form six. So I need to go little bit far from my village. I become a STPM student at SMK Jerantut. My STPM result not so good, but I still fill the upu form. I fill all the requirement courses based on my result but I not put any expectation that I can continue my study at university level. But one day I got message that I’m successful get into university at UiTM Puncak Perdana. At first I little bit blur where actually Puncsk Perdana. I called my friend and they also don’t know. I’m lucky because my uncle just lives near at Puncak Perdana. So he helped me for my first day for registration as new student.
I got course record management, I never heard about this course before this. For the first time I learn about record, I feel so lucky because I never aware about record before this. After semester to semester, my knowledge about record be expand. I can’t denied that lecturer in information management faculty are the best especially in record management field. They are knowledgeable, smart and also sporting. Most of them are beautiful and handsome lecturer. As a normal student, we also required to complete assignment, test and project. These entire tasks are important to train us for our real job in future. Actually faculty of information management consist four courses which is record management, library management, system management and resources center management. I feel so lucky because get record management courses because for me, record management are universal and really-really important in life. Like my lecturer always said, no organization without record.
Now, I have become senior student. All many stage of record management I have learned in theory start form the simple one till the tough one. I can’t deny that senior year is very tough year. But I must accept because many lecturers always said that this is our preparation to move into job world.. No word or expression that I can describe my feeling. I’m so grateful and thanks to Allah because put me here. Thanks Allah, thanks my family, thanks UiTM Puncak Perdana, thanks to faculty of information management, thanks to record management courses, thanks college jasmine, thanks to all my lecturer and my friend.

      By: Nurrunnazeehah Binti Sumeri, 2016
·         Impression on UiTM Kampus Puncak Perdana
My first impression was on UiTM Puncak Perdana is ‘No way I’ll be stuck in here for three years!”. It is because of geographical factor of this campus. This campus is far from Shah Alam city, also hard to get public transportation and most important thing is all Telco line will be gone for hours after a light thunderstorm.
·         Trying to Get Along
After few weeks staying in this campus, I teach myself to love and seek the advantages of studying here. First, this campus is quiet as it far from hectic Shah Alam town. Second, I did not have to take any transportation to go to class. Just walk for five minutes from college to class. Third, living here taught me to accept and learn to survive without great and complete facilities.
Remembering on one uncle’s comment during my appointment with dentist at Klinik Pergigian Jasmine; he said “I want to send my kids to study here. This campus has such a beautiful serene and suitable for learning environment”.
I’m also tried to search extra-ordinary aspect of this campus and I’ve got one. Near this campus, there are few housing areas and each area has their own playground and soccer field. At the beginning of my journey as student at UiTM Puncak Perdana, I will always go to the most nearest playground but unluckily there will be a bit circumstances to reach there. Yes, chased by angry-mad dogs.


·         Kolej Jasmine, Kolej Disayangi, Kolej Warna Alam
Morning scenery at Kolej Jasmine
Kolej Jasmine is the only college in UiTM Selangor (as far as I am concerned) that combine both gender in one college. Literally, it looks like students and residents share all commodity including café, mini shop, clinic, gazebo and surau
Other speciality that I have found in this college is there is no lift as all building is five level. To add up, this college is divided into few sections per block. For example Block 5 Section A, B, C and D. If you stay on level 3 at Section A and you want to go to Section B, the only option is go down, walk for a bit and climb up the stairs to the desired level at Section B. Erstwhile of speciality of this college that I have found interesting is the design of college’s main office is same as house that I live in.
·         Will be missed!
To sum up, all those moments; whether good or bad will be kept and cherished after I left this place. No matter how good or bad, this place letting me know the value of hard work (as the accommodation is a bit lack); also teach me to survive and learn what life is.

By: Raja Shah Nur Aqim, 2016
UiTM Puncak Perdana is one of the places that I wanted to do my degree as Record Management whereby it is near with my hometown. In terms of academic, all the subject is quit tough as we has to learn new thing which we do not know. The best part in part 3 is one of the subject called Planning and Design of Archival and Repository which I think it is the most challenges from all subject I had learnt. It is because, my group members have to go outside to search a location as to build our Archive as for our group assignment. It is challenges for us to find the location because we have to go anywhere around Selangor without having a skills in terms to find a free land without any building on that land.

Semester 4
In semester 4, it is a new beginning of me in becoming a president course of the Records Management under Faculty of Information Management. For me, the sounds of becoming a president is very though because I have to hold big responsibility which to serve the right way in terms in doing the task for students of Records Management. It is a sudden announced from the late president that choose me as a new president because before this I have no experience in becoming a leader for a big community. But, in joining this club makes me become more discipline in taking action. For the subject in part 4, I had learnt some new knowledge which is developing a database for an organization. This subject is one of my favourite subject because I love everything relates with technology whether software or hardware.

Semester 5
 During this semester, I started too learnt on how to manage the club in properly. It take for one semester to learn everything about managing the club. Before this, I think that becoming a president of a club is easy because we just giving an order to our bureau to do their task, but instead of that, as a president I have to make a right decision with precisely because every wrong decision making will cause a ton of trouble to me. In terms of academic, one of the best subject that I had learnt is about Oral history. In this subject, my team members and I have to go to the indigenous people village which we want to interview their leader called “Tok Batin”. At this time, we learnt their culture which very similar with our religion and very harmony.

By: Nur Azlin binti Mohamad Nuri, 2016

Hi, I’m Nur Azlin binti Mohamad Nuri, student of Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) in Campus of Puncak Perdana. Now, I studied in Bachelor of Information Science (Hons) Records Management, Faculty of Information Management (FIM).  When I got an offer letter from UiTM to further study in degree, I don’t know the existence of Campus of UiTM Puncak Perdana. There are many things I complaint to my mom about this small campus and it not exactly same with my imagination about universities life.
After three years in this campus, now I’m very grateful that I was placed in Campus of UiTM Puncak Perdana. Although many of my friends said this campus is boring, but I think they are mistake. This is because; I can go to the faculty for the classes or discussion anytime even I don’t have any transportation. I only have to across the bridge between the collage and faculty. Unlike the others campus that had to wake up early in the morning to wait their bus for attends their classes or any discussion in their faculties.
In addition, the lecturers in this campus are very friendly and understanding. They always give a moral support to their student about the opportunities of occupation after graduated. Besides that, they also always involved themselves in any of the programs that organized by their students. Relationship between the students and lecturer in this campus are close because of the small community in this campus. The lecturers also can easily remember some of their student due to always bumped each other in the faculty either during lunch hour or office hour.
In terms of facilities, this campus provided good facilities. Even the facilities are not advanced as others campus, but the facilities are good enough for all students in this campus. Besides that, an unforgettable word is “Kandang” which is very popular among the students and lecturer. “Kandang” is the place especially for student to get their lunch and dinner.

As a student of Records Management, I’m very proud of the Faculty of Information Management because this faculty offers important courses that help people in managing their information personal or organization. People need to know that information should be manage and handle efficiently because without information, we may jump to the worst conclusions. “The new source of power is not money in the hands of the few, but information in the hands of many”.

By: Maizatul Akma Bt Hassan
Hye there. I’m maizatul akma bt Hassan but people just called me ema. I’m student from UiTM Puncak Perdana. How I can be here? Let’s me tells you a story about me. I’m from lepar utara, jerantut Pahang. My primary school just near with my home. Then I move to the next step which secondary school. My secondary school also not too far from my home but I stay at hostel. After I finish my secondary school, I decide to continue my study at form six. So I need to go little bit far from my village. I become a STPM student at SMK Jerantut. My STPM result not so good, but I still fill the upu form. I fill all the requirement courses based on my result but I not put any expectation that I can continue my study at university level. But one day I got message that I’m successful get into university at UiTM Puncak Perdana. At first I little bit blur where actually Puncsk Perdana. I’m lucky because my uncle just lives near at Puncak Perdana. So he helped me for my first day for registration as new student.
I got course record management, I never heard about this course before this. For the first time I learn about record, I feel so lucky because I never aware about record before this. After semester to semester, my knowledge about record be expand. I can’t denied that lecturer in information management faculty are the best especially in record management field. They are knowledgeable, smart and also sporting. Most of them are beautiful and handsome lecturer. As a normal student, we also required to complete assignment, test and project. These entire tasks are important to train us for our real job in future. Actually faculty of information management consist four courses which is record management, library management, system management and resources center management. I feel so lucky because get record management courses because for me, record management are universal and really important in life. Like my lecturer always said, no organization without record.

Now, I have become senior student. All many stage of record management I have learned in theory start form the simple one till the tough one. I can’t deny that senior year is very tough year. But I must accept because many lecturers always said that this is our preparation to move into job world. No word or expression that I can describe my feeling. I’m so grateful and thanks to Allah because put me here. Thanks Allah, thanks my family, thanks UiTM Puncak Perdana, thanks to faculty of information management, thanks to record management courses, thanks college jasmine, thanks to all my lecturer and my friend.

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