Tuesday 14 June 2016


Jawatan Kuasa Perwakilan Kolej Jasmine


“JPK” means Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Kolej where all UiTM around the Malaysia have this society for each college and campus. This society was implemented to help college staff in managing students and non-resident in the campus. The members of JPK are functioning as a platform for students in the campus to share their problems, complaints and suggestions about the college.

“JPK JASMINE” means Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Kolej Jasmine. This society was implemented since UiTM Kampus Puncak Perdana was established which is in 2003. JPK Jasmine contain 30 members excluding 10 fellows that monitoring this society. This society had organized many events that give big positive impact on students in the campus.



1.        GREEN NIGHT
“Green Night” is a recycle program where all students can donate their unnecessary materials like plastic, bottles, paper, can and many other materials that can be recycle. The objective of this program is to ensure that student are practicing green earth.

“Raudhatul Jameela” is an intensive program conducted during Muslimin at Kolej Jasmine are going to Jumaah Prayer. This program only for Muslimah of Kolej Jasmine where they can learn and gain knowledge on islamic perspective.

“Alunan Yaasin Dan Solat Hajat Perdana” is an event conducted by JPK Jasmine where all students, fellow and staff of UiTM Kampus Puncak Perdana can attend to this program. This program often conducted during the final week for every semester where student need to prepare physically and spiritually for their examination.

“Assalamualaikum Ayah Haji” is a program that conducted in every semester for Part 1 students that newly registered to the Kolej Jasmine. The objective of this program is to expose student all about Kolej Jasmine such as the management, staff, fellow, JPK and many others information.

“FESKES” is one of the big program handled by JPK Jasmine. The activities of this program are all people in the UiTM Puncak Perdana can donate their blood, they can get input about many healthy information based on the talk given such as cancer and every women can check their breast cancer by themselves. Besides, in this program, there are eye specialist and dentist also physiologist where people can get consultation and checkup with no charges.


In conclusion, JPK Jasmine is one of the society that provide many events, services and give many advantages to students in the Kolej Jasmine. Any emergency happen regarding on anything such as healthy emergency, students can directly connect and contact to any members of JPK Jasmine anytime 24/7.


Sekretariat Mahasiswa Fakulti (SMF) is the body of representative of student that been registered under Pusat Kegiatan Pelajar, UiTM Malaysia under Seksyen 8 (1) akta Institusi – Institusi Pelajaran (Tatatertib) 1976Sekretariat Mahasiswa Fakulti Pengurusan Maklumat (SMFPM) do their work under Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) of the faculty which responsible to care about the welfare of the student of Faculty of Information Management. I’m Nur Azlin has been involved in SMF since 2014. Many experience and soft skill can be learning during the involvement. The latest of my position in SMF is treasurer since last semester.  SMFPM have 40 members including MPP which each of them come from different courses for their study.  

Many activities and programs were organized by the SMFPM for the students of Faculty of Information Management. Some of the programs are Meet and Greet Information Management (MaGIM), Festival Sukan Mahasiswa (FieSMA) dan Jelajah Mahasiswa Eksplorasi Ilmu (Visit Rural). Meet and Greet Information Management is a program that is held in first week of every semester. This program to gather all the new student of Faculty Information Management and provide exposure about their courses, student welfare, collage, and others information related to the management of the faculty.

New students of Faculty of Information Management March 2016

The participator of FieSMA in futsal category

One of the winners of FieSMA

Jelajah Mahasiswa Eksplorasi Ilmu is a program of visit rural in the Kampung Tupai, Sik, Kedah. The objective of this program is to gives the students of Faculty of Information Management the experiences on the way of lives of village people. Besides that, this program also contributes their energy in helping the villagers during the program for three days and two nights. The activities that been organized are ‘Anak Angkat’, ‘Gotong Royong Perdana’, ‘Rewang’ and ‘Sukan Rakyat’. During the programs the students also promote the Faculty of Information Management and give some motivation to the children in the village to further their study. In addition, the organizer also designs a mini library for the young generation in the village to get references on their study. All the collections of the mini library are a contribution of the students and lecturer of Faculty of Information Management.

Team of SMFPM with the JKK of Kampung Tupai, Sik

Participator during the ‘Gotong Royong’



Puncak  Facilitator Club "(PFC) is an organization under the auspices of learning student affairs unit uitm puncak alam campus and Uitm Puncak Perdana. Get name from combined from Puncak Alam and Puncak Perdana, PFC become mainstream in addition of experts, we  always trying to sharing knowledge to society learning. PFC are reliance by making good quality of new members and open restricted by stage. This is so because, PFC want to make everybody in PFC designed with the whole of equipment to be appropriate to the community supplementary with the motto "embracing community"
PFC always give the best to provide service to the lining of community this is an advantage to all members pfc and all of them are the certificate of accreditation as facilitators, not enough with that, PFC also looking for the mind of fresh and ideology new to organize the election of new members to the top of natural and students uitm puncak Alam and Puncak  perdana.".
Together with us, we embrace community.

My Own-self Experiences in PFC

I joined PFC about 3 years ago. At that time I was semester one. I been asked by my friend to join an interview that been held at Kolej Jasmine. I have been success to become one of the members till I semester six. With all the knowledge that I have learn, I have been choose to become president of club in semester 4. I hold the responsibility till early semester six. There are many activities that I have joined. For me, PFC is the best platform to everyone to develop their soft skills.


New Intake

Mengubah Destini Anak Bangsa

Committee Jom Kurus 1 Malaysia(JK1M) Shah Alam

Entrepreneur village (MASMED)

Majlis Perwakilan Komander Kesatria (MPKK)

Majlis Perwakilan Komander Kesatria  ( MPKK ) Universiti Teknologi MARA is a student association established under Section 8 of the Educational Institutions ( Discipline) Regulations 1976. The Association was established to preserve the welfare of the Komander Kesatria of UiTM Selangor Puncak Alam Campus and Puncak Perdana Campus, better known by ' Puncak Naga '. There are several companies that are incorporated under MPKK such as Komander Kesatria Bomba, Komander Kesatria Negara and Badan Pertolongan Cemas (BPC).

Becoming the 14th Battalion in the overall system of Komander Ksatria UiTM, Co-curriculum Unit from UiTM Students Affairs Department has organized a number of activities to help MPKK; such as Annual Jamboree, Komander Kesatria Endurance Challenge (KKEC) and  Ujian Pemilihan Conducting Commander 1 & Komander Madya 2016.
My Own-self Experiences in Commander
I am a Fire Brigade Commander (Komander Kesatria Bomba) since February 2014 till graduate. Lots of experience and knowledge that I got during two and a half years in commander so I will shared a little bit of activity that I have been joined.
1)      Ujian Pemilihan Conducting Commander II (CCII) Komander Kesatria Puncak Perdana Campus
The election of CCII was held by each company in Komander Kesatria. The purpose of this program is to select the talented and firm commander in marching and leadership. 

Kompeni Bomba (Fire Brigade Company)

Kompeni K & N (Komander Kesatria from Faculty of Information Management & Faculty of Film, Theater and Animation)

1)      Jasmine Sport Challenge (Program Family Day JPK – Komander 2016)
The programme was held by Jawatankuasa Perwakilan Kolej (JPK) and this is the second event after the first event was held by Komander Kesatria.  This event was held on 7th May 2015 at Asia Camp Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor.

One of the group that combine JPK and Komander Kesatria

One of the activity at Asia Camp Kuala Kubu Bharu

1)      Komander Kesatria Endurance Challenge (KKEC)
The tenacity of KKEC is to run-through the level of stamina of each Komander Kesatria through several courses. The example of competition in KKEC is Extreme Outdoor Quest (EOQ) which consists of 12km running for off-road track, 12km running for on-road track, 16km Kayaking and 16km cycling.

EOQ Puncak Naga Team for KKEC Pahang 2016

Puncak Naga (14th Battalion) KKEC Pahang 2016

UiTM Kampus Puncak Perdana Representative for Puncak Naga Battalion at KKEC Kedah 2014

Puncak Naga KKEC Kedah 2014 training session at Tasik Shah Alam

1)       Jamuan Tahunan Komander Kesatria UiTM Selangor Kampus Puncak Alam & Puncak Perdana 2015
This is an annual event held before or after Hari Raya Aidilfitri. This purpose of this event is to celebrate all the hard work and sacrifices that have been made to run various activities in a year.


I-Rec generate records management professional excellence
Integration of Records Community or fondly known as I-REC is an association in the Records Management program (IM246) in the Faculty of Information Management (FIM). Stater of I-REC start  when it was established on 15th March 2011 under the approval of the establishment of student under section 8 (1) of the Act Institutions - Educational Institutions (Discipline) Universiti Teknologi MARA.
In addition, there are also several other association of students according to the program contained in the FIM whose members are students among them; Association of Information Management System (AIMS), Generation Library Information Society (Gen-LIS), Resource Center Management Association (RECMA) and Information Management Student Association (IMSA).
I-REC’s Principal Adviser is Mr Kamarul Azman Azwan, which one of the lecturers Records Management Program and second advisers were Pn. Jannat Iza Ahmad Kamal. I-Rec exists under the auspices of the Records Management Program in the School of leads by Chief of Records Management, Mrs. Azliza Nik Nik Ariffin. The supreme council was chaired by Raja Shah Nur Aqim Bin Raja Shahriman (President), Nur Afiqah Mustafa (Deputy, President), Siti Normah Binti pound (Secretary), Nur Sakinah Binti Mohd Daud (Deputy. Secretary), and Noor Syamilah Binti Arbaen (Treasurer) and rows of other exco.
Each semester a variety of activities were undertaken to strengthen the ties between associations and students. Among the activities that have been carried out by the association I-REC is the Annual Grand Meeting (AGM), Aku Dia & PA, Team Building in Port Dickson, Family Day, "Salam Records Menyapa" with Workshop on 3D and Animation, course management Organisation (KPO), Broga Hill Challenge, and many more activities that have been implemented.
I-REC has built a legacy of its own under the leadership line-up earlier and it is still continuing excellence by becoming a forum for students Records Management Program in generating and shaping excellence and to strengthen the identity of the student records management. It is a further step forward with the leadership of the President and his new exco of I-Rec to build the entrepreneurial spirit among the students through the business and entrepreneurial activities by encouraging all students of UiTM Puncak Perdana do business irrespective of whether via the 'Online' or 'Offline'.
Each semester, nearly every carnival or keusawanan program was accompanied by association I-REC to increase income fund association and cultivate entrepreneurship for members of association. In response to the challenges and recommendations by the Ministry of Higher Education to encourage Malaysians to venture into keusawanan especially the young and university students, he was implementing in association of I-REC where in Basic Entrepreneurship Development Institutions of Higher Learning as a platform to promote and strengthen the development of quality human capital and have thought, and entrepreneurial attributes. This is because the young entrepreneur who was born among the graduates can act as a catalyst for the country's economic transformation to a high-income economy hinged on innovation towards achieving developed nation status by 2020.
To enhance the knowledge towards professionalism in the field of records management as well as expand the scope of work and add value on how the concept of records management in every organization across Malaysia, I-REC also established good working relationships with Malaysia Records Management Society (RMS). This joint venture helps students khususya 246 IM broaden professional relationships, and help strengthen the organization's arms as the first records management organization in Malaysia that has been set up by Mr. Alwi Mohd Yunus, President of MARMS.
As increasing this professional network, it will widen the exposure of students who take shelter under I-Rec besides expanding the involvement of students in professional network through RMS. Exposure Exposure through activities with I-REC activities and arms will be of great benefit to students in addition to creating value and increasing the professionalism of student records management program. In this way, the students will get the added value of experience and exposure in addition to academic input input input input is not academic.

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